Thursday, June 11, 2009

predictor ch.#13 Lizbeth

  1. For this chapter I predict that the mayor is going to want the instructions.
  2. I also predict that they are going to tell the city the truth.

Chapter #12 Clarifyier Genesis

  1. Slogans:word or phrase used by a bussiness.
  2. Mounds:a pile or heap
  3. Pavement:a covering or surface for streets

Chapter #13 Summarizer Evelyn

This chapter is about Lina and Doon trying to figure out more about the "Instructions".This chapter is also about Lina and Doon solving the "Instructions" but at least most of it at least.

summerizer ch.# 12 Lizbeth

This chapter is about that Doon goes on more time into the tunnel and the door has the key.Doon goes in and finds a bunch fo supplies.He notice that the mayor is getting all of those stuff and Doon is trying to tell the city that the mayor is stealing from then city.

ch.12 predictor dajuan king

I predict that Doon & Lina will find out the instruction
to ember!!!

I predict that the mayor will say that Doon & Lina
are lying and should be put in jail.

Chapter #12 Questioner Evelyn

1.)Who is the man that Doon finds sleeping?
2.)Why doesn't Doon tell the City about the closet he found in tunnel 351?
3.)Who is responsible of all those stollen supplies?

Summerizer Ch.#11 Genesis

Lizzie's Groceries
In the beginning Lina spent all morning with Mrs.Murdo's house. Before she went to work Mrs.Murdo showed Lina a small room for Lina and Poppy. Then Lina headed to work , but first she headed to the supply depot to see Lizzie. But the supply depot was full of people. Then Lizzie goes out side with some bags. Then she steps on her shoe lice and falls. Right after Lina help Lizzie up she leaves home. Right after Lina is leaves work she talk to Lizzie about the food she is steeling. Then Lizzie tell Lina if she wants some food for her, Mrs.Murdo, and Poppy. But Lina says no.

clarifier chp.11 Lizbeth

  1. Flicking:a move
  • The little boy was flicking his finger.
  1. Drumbeat:sound made by beating of a drum.
  • When we went to the concert we herd the drum beat.

Chapter #11 Questioner Evelyn

1.)Why is Lizzie being so selfish?
2.)Who is going to be taking care of both Lina and Poppy?

3.)Why is Looper helping Lizzie and the Mayor when he could be helping the City Of Ember?
How do you think Lina felt when her grandmother passed away?
what do you think Lina and doon are going to do now that they know that they know that the major , Lizzie,and Lina are stelling good food?

Clariifyer Ch.12 Jasmine

1.glimpes means a short ,quick view or look 2.hasted means a act of hurry or trying to be quick
3.slogans means a word or phrase used by a buisness

Predicter Ch.12 Natalie

I predict that the major is going to have to give up all the good supplies because Lina and Doon will tell the City of Ember's citizens that the major is steeling the good supplies then there's going to be a rioent then they will try to kill the major.

summerizer CH.11 briana

In this chapter Lina and Doon were discovering for evidence to proofth that the mayor was robbing them.then they thougth about it. and found out that they needde to find the missing door of something.

Questioner Ch.11 Jasmine

1.Why is Looper steeling supplies from the store room and not telling anyone?2.Why is Looper giving some goods to Lizzie and she is not telling anyone?3.What was Lina thinking when Lizzie was telling her about all the good things that was steal in the store rooms that she and poppy can have?

Predictor Ch.11 Renita

I predict that Lina is going to tell Doon about what Lizzie told her but not any adult. I predict that Lina is going to find out something important about those instructions she found. I predict that Lizzie and looper is not going to get caught.

Clarifyer Ch.11 Natalie

briskly:rough with bristles or hair like bristles. Snuggle:to lie or press closely for warmth or comfort or from affection. Proceed:to go after having to stop, move froward.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Clarifier CH.10 Lizbeth

  1. mumble:To stutter,can't pronounce a word right.
  2. whittled:To cut shavings.
  • When the bad kid blamed the good kid for the bad thing.The good kid was tring to tell the truth but he was mumbling so he coudn't.
  • The student whittled the pencil to use it.




Questioner Chapter 9 Evelyn

1.)Why didn't Lina or Doon go after the tall skinny man?
2.)How did the man get in there where does he come from?

larifyer CH.10 Lizbeth

  1. Unpromising:No promise,you can't promise.
  2. Compartment:Separate division or section of anything.
  • Lily asked jesse a favor but he was unpromissing it.
  • He compartment the chapter of the book.

Predictor Chapter9 Breneisha

This chapter is called THE DOOR IN THE ROPED-OFF TUNNEL and I wounder if Doon an Lina is going to find out who was that person that was in the tunnel? Also, I wounder if Lina grandmother is sick cause probably the sickness is going around Ember again? [Cause that how Lina father died.] Also, I wounder if the person that was in the tunnel new that Doon an Lina was in the pipe works?

Summarizer Ch#9 Genesis...

The Door In TheRipped Of Tunnel
This chapter is about the time when Doon shows Lina the door and they this stange men that goes in and out.Lins recognizes him but she doesnt know for sure if she knows him.Lina and Doon are wating to see what happens next.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Questioner CH.9 Renita

why dosen't Lina and Doon stop the man who comes out the unknown door. why dosen't Lina hold the door when the man comes out so she could try to see what's behind that mysterious door in the pipeworks that Doon and has been stressing about.Why didn't Lina and Doon just ask what's in the roped off tunnel and tell them their's no sign of cave in

predicter CH.9 Briana

I pedict that in the next chapter that Doon and Lina are going to find something important. I predict that Lina and Doon are going to find out what in the roped off tunel door.

Summarizer Ch.9 Jasmine

In chapter nine Doon and Lina went into the pipeworks .The reason why they went into the pipeworks was because Doon was leading Lina to the unknown door Doon had found.But when they tried to open it ,it was locked.So they went home.The next day Doon went to work and on his break he went to the door and it was still locked.After work they went back and when they were about to touch the door nob somebody was coming out of the door.It was a man.Lina had made a noise and the man had stoped,but then kept on going.But when he was walking Lina said that she knew that man from somewhere and did not say anything else.

Clarifier CH.9 Renita

motionless; Notmoving (adv) . underneath;to be under something. self-conscious;embarrassed.